Maya is a catalyst for transformation. A simple conversation with her brings on deep shifts. The results for me are always magical and often miraculous. One MAYA method session broke a lifetime of emotional eating. I’ve dropped a dress size in weeks without dieting  Another eliminated feelings of intellectual inferiority and I can now enjoy,  contribute to and hold my own in any conversation.  A third mini session fixed a fear of motorway driving which has opened up new social activities and fostered friendships. My life is expanded in so many ways. I recommend Maya without reservation.

Susan Cadel
“I Just had an off the cuff session with Maya Mendoza after calling her in a sort of crisis. She very kindly took me on a journey through myself resulting in a fantastic breakthrough.
I have recently had a heart health scare and I have been dieting and swimming on my doctor’s advice. I’ve been feeling upbeat and positive about it all, but the last 48 hours have been really tough going. I’ve been feeling out of control and wanting to eat everything in sight.
Well, Maya and I had a conversation and what a result!  Not only have we quelled this hunger, but we also identified what was causing it and helped calm it and bring it peace while allowing its integration.
During the session, I felt an amazing gift of bright light grow inside me. It has been sent through my past and future bringing yet more peace and calm and possibility into my whole life.
I feel transformed. It’s a little unnerving as I am not used to feeling this way.  However uncertain I feel right now I am quietly excited at the prospect of this change and curious where it will take me. Thank you Maya, magic and miracles as always.”
Kane Templar

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Kane Templar
“Before working with Maya I had a feeling of dread at the thought of talking to or in front of people I did not know. This fear was socially crippling but even worse than that, I have a party/celebration balloon business but was too scared talk to potential customers. Without fail, even the thought of it would make the heart pound, I’d get clammy and tongue tide and sick to my stomach.
After my first session with Maya I have been a lot calmer, more decisive & motivated. I definitely have more confidence than I used to, especially in groups.
I finally booked and showed up for the business course I had wanted to go to for months. I was happy introducing myself to everyone.  No more of that heart racing, stomach churning feeling. What a relief.
I’ve seen a huge improvement in my self-confidence. I have signed up 3 new customers this week which is a huge result for my business.
Thank you I can’t wait to see what happens after our next session”.
Laura Cadel

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Laura Cadel
The great thing about working with Maya is your issue resolves. It just stops having a hold on you. Your focus shifts away from the negative emotion. You start to feel happier. I can honestly say I feel stronger inside. I am more relaxed, positive and resourceful. I can move forward in my life again.
Gina Garcia

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Gina Garcia
“There are NO f#&%ing words that could describe this amazingness… Nothing has changed in my life, yet everything is changed forever now.😂💪😍
“My name is Elvis and until recently I have been walking around with a sense of fear and dread for many years. It was like a rock in my heart. Fear was the first thing that hit me every morning as I woke and the last thing I felt before I drifted off to sleep
I had tense feelings and was always on guard,  afraid that something bad was going to happen to me. The only time I ever could feel safe and relax was after a few drinks.
So, I met Maya Mendoza at my work. I am a barista. Something about her made me tell her my stress problem.  She asked if I wanted to feel better. I was sceptical because I had just met her but I thought “She is a nice woman. Why not try”?
Two days later we met for a coffee in a busy cafe in Glasgow for a session  Maya asked me some questions and we had a conversation.  I felt very self-conscious to start.  All the fear was there with me. Then, as Maya talked it was gone. Like magic. Poof.
So I’ll say it again. There are NO f#&%ing words that could describe this sense of peace in me.  I feel light now. My life is not different,  yet everything is changed. I am the same man but I am a different, happier, more calm man.
Maya Mendoza it’s a miracle. What you did was amazing  Thank you

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My marriage is back on track. The Divorce proceedings have stopped. John and I are friends again. I feel like a newlywed. I don’t understand what you did but it worked.”

Claire O’Neil
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Claire O’Neil

“The Cancer is gone. The Doctors can’t believe it. Thank you for bringing god’s miracle into my life.”

Mr W Simpson
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Mr W Simpson

“As we talked a calmness came over me. I felt my mood lifting. Minutes later the incessant negative talk in my head went quiet and I felt weeks of tension fall away.”

Daniel Phillips
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Daniel Phillips

“The illness has gone. Even better than that, at last I feel life is my friend. This is true heaven, for the first time I am simply plain happy inside.”

Morgan McConnell
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Morgan McConnell

“I want to tell the world that everything is great. My life is like a rainbow. I am living the same life, but now it feels like a like a rainbow, bright and full of joy. I’m so happy and grateful. thank you Maya”

Christina DeBeer
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Christina DeBeer