Frequently asked questions

What happens in a session?

I will start out by listening to you – tell me what’s on your mind.

As I listen deeply I will connect with and access your emotions, where they sit in your body and your energy field. This helps me to identify the core of the issue and what may be at the root of it.

What happens next?

In our first session, after our initial chat, I will help you to get into a comfortable, relaxed and receptive state. I will begin to scan you remotely. This let’s pick up on different aspects of your being.

I will also train your superconscious mind to work with me and once we are in alignment I will be talking to you and your superconscious mind throughout the session. We will work together as we explore your blocks and clear your emotions and your Bio-Energy field.

What do I need for an online session with you?

For remote sessions, you will need a computer, a tablet or Smartphone with a webcam. We will connect via a free program called Zoom. You will need to download it before the session.

How is a remote session possible?

The explanation of Distance or Remote Healing, Remote Influencing and remote Inspiring has its roots in Quantum Physics.

On a Quantum level, we are all Energy-Light-Beings. It is known that photons move from one place using the principal of Non-Locality. Non-locality has been proven in Quantum Physics – it says that photons travel through space and time in the Now.

When there is a strong connection between the two objects, energy fields or people – the connection allows for an exchange and influence of non-physical energies.

Once you book a session and pay your fee there is am an energetic contract between us. At the appropriate time, I will tune into the specific vibration of your Being. This will initiate and facilitate a healing process.

Why is the camera important?

Connecting via video creates a stronger energetic link between us. I also pick up emotional information from your gestures and facial expressions. This helps me to pace your session and manage your energy while we work.

How will I feel?

The effects vary from person to person and session to session. Depending on your sensitivity, you will notice a variety of physical sensations and emotions such as pressure, tingling, heat and cold in parts of your body. You may also feel emotions moving through you as they release throughout the process. No two session are alike.

Sometimes clients may feel a little lightheaded or drowsy afterwards. I recommend that you eat some fruit and drink plenty of water before, during and the session, and to have some quiet time afterwards.

How do I book and pay?

Sessions are by recommendation and interview only. This ensures that we are a good fit and that you will gain the best results when working with me.

Your first step will be to complete the questionnaire on this page. Once you submit the form you will be directed to my booking calendar to book your Discovery Call with me. You will be required to make a small deposit on PayPal to secure your spot. This can be offset against any sessions you book. If we don’t work together you will receive a full refund.

Once we have decided to work together you will be sent options for payment and payment details. Payment is required at booking.

My booking system will send you a private Zoom link to use at the correct time. You will receive email reminders near the appointment time.

NOTE: Often the healing process begins as soon as you book your session regardless of the time of your scheduled appointment.

How many sessions will I need?

That is dependent on the situation. We will be able to discuss your options on our Discovery Call

Can I get a refund?

If you need to cancel up to 48 hours before your appointment you will be refunded.

If you need to cancel less than 48 hours before your appointment you will be invited to reschedule. A refund is not available that this point.

Once you have had a live session, refunds will not be given as it an in-person service. Please see my full terms and conditions.

Do you work with children and new babies?

I have extensive experience working with children with special needs, babies and young children who have not yet learned to speak.

For best results, it is often imperative to cleanse and balance the energy fields of both parents and any primary carers.

Aura and Karmic Cleansing of a child’s parents is often enough to reverse a child’s problem. If a problem or health concern persists after the parent’s cleansing sessions, in many cases I will work through the mother’s energy field to bring healing energies to her child and utilise the mother to act as a proxy.

I have more questions, can I speak with you?

If you have questions that we have not answered here please use the contact form. This is the fastest way to get in touch with me.

Please ensure that you complete all the required fields.

You may also book a 15-minute evaluation session via zoom or WhatsApp.
You will be required to make a small deposit on PayPal to secure your spot. This can be offset against any sessions you book.